Software Version 3.61
Multiple fax numbers, HTTPS/IMAPS/POP3S, security updates
- Interface accessible encrypted via HTTPS
- Emails can be retrieved encrypted via IMAPS and POP3S
- Fax reception on multiple fax numbers (for each number a separate email recipient can be entered)
- Fax emails can also be sent as TIFFs
- Higher compatibility with other fax machines
- Size limits for email folders (per user)
- Change of the URLs of the user interface
- Improved log functions
- Timeout for email transfer adjustable
- Improved update function with Freenet
- Update of Linux base services (dante-1.1.13, kernel-2.2.21, reiserfs-3.5.35, freeswan-1.98b + x509-0.9.13, libtiff-3.5.7, fetchmail-5.9.13, gd-1.8.4, tcptraceroute-1.4)
- Improving security on the Linux base system (bind-8.3.3, squid-2.4-STABLE7, hylafax-4.1.3, ghostscript-6.51-16, libpng-1.2.4, openssl-0.9.6e, cyrus-sasl-1.5.28, mm-1.2.1, mod_ssl-2.8.10, glibc-2.1.3-24, util-linux-2.10f-7.6.2)
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