13.3. Import/export of User Profiles

For a large number of users it can be helpful to create a file externally and then transfer it to the Intra2net system. This can be done easily with the import/export feature. XML files or CSV files (Comma Separated Values) are accepted.

13.3.1. Importing Users

Upload an XML or CSV file containing users for import. The field names of the XML import can be found in the DTD, which can be downloaded from the import/export online help. The structure of the CSV format can be found in a previously exported CSV file.


Please note that the names of the specified groups must be exactly the same as the names of the groups in the system. The same applies to the detection of email domains.

13.3.2. Exporting Users

Select the users for export, either as XML or CSV format. The field names of the XML export can be found in the DTD. The CSV format can be found in the CSV file.