6. Chapter - The Console

After the initial installation, the Intra2net system starts immediately on the console menu.

This can also be accessed on an already installed Intra2net system by connecting a monitor and keyboard and logging in with the username and password of a member of the administrator group (admin by default).

6.1. Intra2net Appliance Micro

The Appliance Micro does not have a monitor output for the console, it uses a serial console instead. Connect the supplied null modem cable with USB converter to another PC for access. The D-sub/DE-9 connector is connected to the Appliance Micro, USB to the other PC from which the console is to be accessed.

The cable uses a Silabs CP2104 converter. Under Windows you have to download and install the "CP210x Universal Windows Driver" from https://www.silabs.com. Then open the Device Manager from the Windows Control Panel and read the COM port number.

A terminal program is required for use. Under Windows PuTTY and TeraTerm are recommended, under Linux picocom.

Select a serial connection in the terminal program, the appropriate port number and set the following parameters: 115200 baud, 8 bit, No Parity, 1 stop bit. With TeraTerm this is done via the menu "Setup > Serial Port", with PuTTY you set the "Connection type" to "Serial", enter the COM port number and under "Speed" the baud rate. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)